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The Yetzer Hara wants us to look down on ourselves.

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User Comments:

Really love this and needed this it was amazing!!

Was actually having a really tough day. I really needed to hear this I'm honestly speechless. Thank you hashem for sending me this! Stay strong everybody!

Wow that was absolutely unbelievable!! So touching so inspiring!! I might just listen to that speech over and over again and become to truly appreciate myself!!

Wow straight fire 🔥

Wow absolutely amazing speaker thank you

Wow. So true

Great speaker. Very passionate. Very sweet. Thanks so much.

Wow! That's an important thing to always remember. The dark is the absents of light and the light (good) no matter how small it is, is always much greater then the dark (bad).

Wowowowowo this is mamesh gadlus it's the fire of rev Nachman 🔥🔥🔥🔥 mind altering paradigm shifts Outlooks on the nekuda Tovah. This is crazy. Let's be honest we all have the desperation feeling every time we fall but this perspective is so much greater than any yeush 👌👌👌👌👌👌